Do's & Don'ts of Family Sessions

Do you struggle with what to wear or what to bring to your family photos? Well, here are a few quick tips to help you out!


Do bring an extra change of clothes for kids ages two and under. They are destined to get dirty. Some of them might even poop out their diaper and need cleaned up. Have an extra set of clothes and a diaper, just in case something happens.



Don’t have five people jumping up and down trying to get a kid to laugh. They will be looking everywhere except where I want them to look. If you want to assist me in making your kid smile, that’s great, but I only need one person helping me. Stand directly behind me and even crouch down over me if need be. I would prefer the kid looking directly at the camera (I’m sure you would too) but I have gotten some cute pictures where the kid is slightly looking in a different direction and laughing. But we don’t need a crazy circus around us!



Do bring one of a kids favorite toys or even their favorite candy, if you’re okay with me bribing your children. I have had great success with using candy and saying, “If you smile, you can have an M&M.” But it’s always a good choice to bring a toy or stuffed animal that I can hold next to my lens and make dance while they laugh. I had a sucker in my hand for the baby in the photo below and look how good he did!



Don’t expect teenagers to cooperate. They’re teenagers, it’s probably not going to happen. Let me guess, you dragged them out to get pictures done and they whined the whole way? That’s fine. I expect that. Again, leave it to me to get some laughs out of them, because it will happen. If they are super upset and don’t want to be there, then I will limit the amount of pictures I take of them or I can get all of the ones including them at the beginning so they can go back to texting their friends, “This photographer is ridiculous, she keeps making goofy faces until I laugh.”



Do come prepared for a good time. Sessions are short and quick (don’t last longer than an hour) and if the kids are getting fussy, I can get pictures in a shorter amount of time. My sessions are less pose based and more natural based, meaning if the kids want to have a stick fight, I’ll take pictures of them laughing.

Ashley&Molly (86 of 91).jpg


Don’t wear exact matching outfits. I know that a lot of you want to do this and it’s okay. I just highly discourage it. How many times have you seen plain blue jeans and white polos in family photos? Mix it up. Have each family member in different colors and shades that all match well. For example, pink, grey, and white or the boys in blue flannel and the girls in grey sweaters.
